Fun Ways to Encourage Spontaneous Language in Children

Fun Ways to Encourage Spontaneous Language in Children

Fun Ways to Encourage Spontaneous Language in Children

Fun Ways to Encourage Spontaneous Language in Children

There are many simple and fun ways to encourage spontaneous language in children. Hiring a private teacher from Royal Teaching is one of the best options. Certified and experienced teachers will apply the fastest and most efficient approaches. However, there are other options to encourage your children which you can practice with your children at home. 



1- Excessive Exposure to Specific Words 


Make word campaigns! For several days keep exposing them to a specific word/sentence, such as “It is beautiful.” In all possible situations, repeat the words with them. It is beautiful. The child will learn to say the sentence whenever they see something beautiful. And that’s the point of the practice. 


2- Act As If You Are Surprised! 


Please, notice the pattern here. We rely on another element to teach the child in all approaches discussed. In this practice, we will depend on our act of being surprised. Somehow we will make the child help us when we are confused or surprised. The other parent can help by giving an explanation, commenting, or even laughing at the first parent’s surprise. That will teach the child to engage and speak when they see someone surprised or need help, etc. 


3- Try to Make Them Ask for Help by Speaking


This time we will depend on creating obstacles for them. For example, everyone except for the child can grab their bags before going out and confirm that they all have their own. In that situation, the child will try to grab your attention because they don’t have their bags. You have created an obstacle for them. They may groan, make noise, or even cry. Ignore them if they don’t speak until they do so. And try to make them express their need for their bags with the correct sentences and words. By that, they are learning that speaking is the proper method to communicate with you. Find more examples Here


4- Ask Them Questions and Accept the Answer


You probably have heard that you should speak to your child and ask them many questions. But did you know that you should accept their answers? It doesn’t have to be correct. It doesn’t have to make sense! The idea is to make them listen to your question and reply, remember? 


6- Professional Assistance for Harder Situations or Rapid Results


Some cases will require professional interference. Royal Teaching is one of the best education consultants in Dubai to provide similar services. You will find a qualified and experienced private teacher who would love to help your child with the latest scientific approaches and curriculums. We also provide governess services, home learning, and university application services.



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